The most important skill a golfer can learn is how to chip a ball. Knowing how to hit a chip shot on the green can help you lower your score. It will also make your friends jealous if you manage to get the ball up and down consistently to beat them. What is a chip shot? A basic chip shot is a shot that travels short distances in the air, and rolls to the pin more consistently than a normal shot. Chip shots are different than full swings because they are a controlled, short swing that has little or no wrist hinge. You should feel your arms riding along with your chest, while turning back and forth. Your distance control will be improved if your chest and arms feel connected.
A chip shot requires you to set up your feet with your shoulders at level, your feet close together and your ball in the middle of your stance. Your stance should be slightly wider than your target line.
- Keep your feet together. This allows you to easily turn your body, which is crucial in chipping.
- Your weight should be slightly in front. Place your front shoulder over your front foot. This will allow you to strike the ball with a solid, slightly descending stroke.
- For right-handed golfers, keep your right arm straight. This will ensure the ball is at the right distance and a proper posture.
- Your shoulders and arms form a triangle. Swing Align Short Game will give you the feeling of a professional set up.
- Keep your stance slightly open. This will allow your body to rotate properly. To help you rotate through the ball, move your right knee forward and begin your downswing.
What is the best chipping technique? The key to chipping well is to keep your hands and arms stable, and use your chest and shoulders to control the stroke. These are some common mistakes that you should avoid when chipping a golf ball.
Do not try to lift the ball up! Your shoulders should be level. Keep your spine straight and your spine up. Do not tilt back or tip back. Tilting back can push your hips forward and cause your club to drop before the ball. You can hit the ball too fat, miss the pin or worse, your club will be stuck on the ground. You can trust the lofts of your clubs to do the hard work.
It is almost impossible to hit solid chip shots using a controlled, slightly descending stroke if the ball is placed too far forward. Make sure that the ball is not further forward than your stance and that your left arm and club shaft are straight. You are more likely than not to hit the ball straight, which can lead to a shot that is longer than the pin or worse, the skull shot across the green.
Don’t attempt to hit the ball for a chip shot! By turning your head slightly to the outside, swing the club back with the chest and shoulders. You should not try to hit the ball. Chip shots require very little wrist action. Keep your right wrist hinged slightly to the back when you hit impact. No flipping! Don’t let your left wrist break down.
Golfers often fail to rotate their lower bodies when taking their chip shots. When hitting golf chip shots, the tendency is to swing only with your arms and not to do a mini golf swing with some body rotation. Poor contact and poor distance control can be caused by failing to rotate.
Rehearse your short-game swing and focus on your lower body rotation. This is a great drill for golf short-game practice. You can do this drill at the range with a chipping golf ball or at home.
- Place the Swing Align device just below your knees.
- Place the short rod sections of the Swing Junction on each side of your feet. Angle them approximately 30 degrees away from your target line.
- When you are practicing your swing, match the angle of your alignment rod to the ground. As you move your lower body and chest slightly back, you will be able to align your legs with the rods.
- Hold your follow through and stop. Next, check your rotation with the rod at the ground by the front foot.
To fit their lower bodies, most golfers will need the Swing Align XL cuffs for this drill. For both upper and lower body drills, the Swing Align Pro Bundle includes both Standard and XL cuffs.
This article will focus on chipping a golf ball. However, the same principles apply to pitching a golf ball. Pitch shots fly farther than they roll and stop faster. Pitches use a longer swing, where the right arm begins to fold. There is also a greater hinge in your wrists. This creates a longer swing and more speed. To pull the club through the ball, use body rotation. However, just like a chip shot you shouldn’t flip your wrists.
How can you improve your golf chip shots How can you stop hitting thin and fat chip shots? Swing Align trainers are the best way to stop hitting fat and thin chip shots.
Swing Align is a golf training aid that you can use to align your lower body. Although chipping and pitching may require less rotation than a full swing for good golf short game shots, rotation is essential.
To create a properly set-up and controlled short game swing, use the Swing Align Short Game Trainer. For better distance control, the short game rod will ensure that your arms are spaced properly.
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